Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Life twists and turns and bends and .. just keeps turning. SO many people I know including myself are struggling right now with issues of emotions, worry, finances, or in other areas of life.
SOmetimes I wish I could just hear the audible voice of God tell me He loves me and He has everything under control, and all of these things will turn out just fine in accordence of His will.

I want to be on fire again for God. I want all this without the trials that go with that. I know that this is not possible and it is very American to even think htat way, but I am sure I am not alone.

I watch the news and I think Oh Jesus your return is so close.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I have returned from the northwoods of Wisconsin and havecome back to a busy schedule of football opractice, cheerleading practice, signing up for gymnastics, and of corse getting ready for back to school. Nto to mention a messy house and .... Oh well, vactions cannot last forever. All good things must come to an end. Wisdconsin was fun and beautiful.
I can already tell this is going to be a busy fall and school year. Hope all of you are enjoying the last few droplets of summer.

Monday, July 28, 2008


I am trying to get ready for a trip I have been planning now for a while. I am riding with another family from church to go see some friends of mine. I am very excited. Both are friends from college and one was a roommate. Wow. I just thought and I have not seen the roommate in about 12 years. The other friend it has been about 2. I am going about 12 hours from home leaving hubby and 3 kids at home. This trip should be refreshing.

Friday, July 18, 2008

A late birthday Dinner

I wanted to night to be great! I planned to be ready to leave as soon as my hubby got home from work. Today is his birthday. He has worked at the same place for ten years and NEVER has he had to work over, he has had to go in early for over time, but never stay late. He works in a factory and today, his birthday, he had to stay until the work was done as an order had to go out. He called, but did not know how long he would have to stay. Well normally he gets out at 3. Tonight it was 7:30. SO by the time he got home and got ready it was 8:00. The kids were crabby and tired, and I was really hungry as I did not eat much all day because I wanted to eat tonight. We Went to Red Robin.....YUMMMMMMMMMM. It was great and we had wonderful Service. It was worth waiting for.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A windy day

Driving down to the beach for the baptisms we came over the hill to see about 3 to 6 foot waves or so and I thought ,.... I am not sending my kids out in the waves to be baptized. Who thought of this anyway. No the wind did not calm down, yes it was chilly, yes it remained windy. And YES I did allow them in the water for baptism. It was so very cool. God did the baptizing ( kinda) The waves knocked several people off their feet and at one point two of our pastors were in the lake just for help and support as the waves were fierce.

I was a beautiful day though, and I know the Holdy Spirit is like a wind and if that is the case boy oh boy did He show up today to annoint in this service.

Anyway all were safe and about 40 to 50 were baptized. PTL

Friday, July 11, 2008

Can't Wait

In about 3 weeks I have an opportunity in which I am really thankful. I am hitching a ride to Winconsin to see a college friend neat thing is that I will get to see two friends from college. The friends I am riding with know one of the ladies and they "grew Up" in youth group together and it is so crazyu how small the world is.

I can't wait. You know how you have those friends that even though you do not speak write e-mail or see each other very often. You can still pick up and it is like yesterday that you were together. These are those kind of friends.

Can;t wait! You will here more I am sure.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Don't know the rules on this, but got an idea from another blog.

Topic- Under the bed
2. a vaccum attatchment - i wondered where that went
3. one fuzzy sock
4. our dog Ziggy ( she is chewing # 5, 7)
5. many chewed kleenex and other papers ( thank-you Ziggy) our dog
6. a headless Barbie ?????
7. chewed lip stick
8. a blanket
9. a gift
10. a heated now cold neck wrap
11. an earring
12. a straw
13. dust bunnies - I watched as they hopped under and I left them there for now

As you can read our dog loves to hide everything under our bed. We always find crazy stuff under there.